And if that wasn't enough, Heather is offering FREE Shipping on all orders, yes even international. Just enter FREESHIP at checkout. How cool is that??
So on to the fun stuff, here is today's sketch:

I'm having a few issues getting my card photographed, so in the meantime, check out what the other girls have for you! Here's the order for today's blog hop!
Shannan Teubner -
Jennifer Ingle -
Gladys Chia -
Ann Kranitz -
Brenda Weaver -
Barb Turpin -
Kandi Phillips -
Jessica Morales -
Sammye Jo Singer -
Wendy Jordan -
Laurel Seabrook -
Amy Tsuruta -
Tammie Beaton -
Sammye Jo Singer -
Wendy Jordan -
Laurel Seabrook -
Amy Tsuruta -
Tammie Beaton -
Can't wait to see your card. My favorite tradition for christmas is putting out all of "Santa's" Gifts and then waiting for the Kiddos to wakeup and rush downstairs!! To see their eye open up so wide is pricessless! My heart feels with joy to know that they still "believe". Thank you.
Looking forward to seeing the card! My favorite Christmas tradition is reading the Christmas story from the Bible reflecting on the greatest gift of all before opening our gifts.
I'm looking forward to seeing your card, my fave tradition is riding the free holiday trolley they have takes you to all the local shopping spots and the kids can sit up front and ring the bell
Look forward to see you card! My favorite tradition is just relaxing a d enjoying family and friends.
I was looking forward to see your card, so I guess I will have to pop back in again :)
I love the Santa story, the tradition of hiding gifts and pulling out those socks...I love how that belief gives so much happiness to the kids around the world :)
I can't wait to see your card!!! Thanks for hopping with us!
I love to get all the grandkids on the stairs for a picture, its fun to see how they have grown each yr, we pull them out and see how they have changed
leaving cookies for Santa! We still do this with the kids even tho they are really "too old".
I'm new to your blog and am looking forward to seeing your card creation! I will look through your archives in the meantime! My favorite holiday tradition is family baking day, when everyone from my 2 year old grandson to my 85 year old mother come to my house for a day of baking, frosting, giggles, belly laughs, sprinkles and hugs.
Our favorite tradition, is church Christmas Eve, followed by ordering in Chinese food, and watching the original version of "The Grinch Who
Stole Christmas". My kids are 17 and 12, and we still do this every year!
Would love to see your card. Getting together with family is my favorite tradition... :)
My fav holiday tradition is baking and crafts with my kids!
Gina S.
My favorite tradition is going to my Mom's for dinner and to see family!
jtg0398 @ Sbcglobal dot net
Hi! Love the sketch and can't wait to see your card. My favorite tradition is going to the cemetry Christmas Eve and putting a wreath on my husband's grave. He was killed in a car accident Christmas Eve 26 years ago and we've done this every year since. Started with just me and the boys (who are 29!) now my whole family goes.
Baking is my absolute favorite tradition!!
My favourite tradition is making our family Christmas fruitcake every year! Every Thanksgiving (I'm Canadian so we celebrate in October!), my husband and I buy the ingredients and spend a day baking which is lovely because it gives us quality time with each other. Let's face it, the lovely aroma that comes out of the kitchen as it's baking...yummy! It's definitely my favourite time of year!
Hi Shannan,
Since we're Jewish our favorite Christmas tradition is eating Chinese food and going to the movies on Christmas and watching all of those traditional holiday specials on television. Thanks for the chance to win! Hope you are doing well!
Looking forward to seeing your card!
Can't wait to see your card, I'm sure it will be amazing as usual!
Looking forward to your card photo!
I will check back later to see your card. Happy Thanksgiving
My favorite tradition is making cookies with the kids to leave for Santa.
actressangel at gmail dot com
Sorry for the deleted comment, I forgot my email in the first comment and I can't stand people who don't follow directions.
My favorite Christmas tradition is making christmas cookies! I always make at least 5 different kinds and swap them with my sister who makes her own assortment! YUM!
Thanks for the chance to win! I love making my own Christmas cards each year and sending them out to close friends and family. I keep one for myself each year and put them in an album.
I love skipping stones designs, so I hopping!
I will be back to see your card! Love Skipping Stones stamps!
I can't wait to see your card!
Cant wait to see your card. My best tradition is time with the family, and that is round the time we make tamales with my husbands family, that is another loved tradition.
TFS and a chance to win
Bonnie C
ascrapabove at aol dot com
Hi, stopped by wanted to see your card. I will be checking back cause I hear you do excellent work!
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